

1. Prof. Dr. Aurel-Ion Clinciu
2. Prof. Dr. Marcela Rodica Luca
3. Prof. Dr. Mariela Pavalache-Ilie
4. Prof. Dr. Doina Usaci
5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Cazan -coordonatorul centrului de cercetare
6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laura Teodora David
7. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Laura Elena Năstasă
8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Porumbu
9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Camelia Truța
10. Lecturer Dr. Ramona Henter
11. Assist. Lecturer Dr. Nicoleta Raluca Lupu

Științe ale educației

1. Prof. Dr. Rodica Mariana Niculescu
2. Prof. Dr. Mariana Norel
3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Simona Elena Indreica
4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daciana Angelica Lupu
5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Necșoi
6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihaela Voinea
7. Lecturer Dr. Marius Bazgan
8. Lecturer Dr. Iolanda Beldianu
9.Lecturer Dr. Oana Bota
10.Lecturer Dr. Daniela Popa
11. Lect. univ. dr. Ioana Topală
12.Lecturer Dr. Ecaterina Maria Unianu
13. Assist. Lecturer Dr. Alina Turculeț



Partnership agreement between Transilvania University of Brașov - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Pedagogical University of Zurich - International Center for Education Projects (PH Zurich - IPE) and the Romanian Ministry of National Education for the implementation of the project “JOBS - Job orientation - training in business and schools ”. Agreement period 2018-2019.

ERASMUS + Curriculum Innovation for Social Change / CISI 609736 - EPP - 1-2019-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2019-1938 / 001-001) the project aims to create the Training Programme for Teachers in Educational Institutions in Georgia and to update the curriculum with new courses specific to inclusive education.

ERASMUS + Capacity Building Project in the Field of Higher Education (CBHE) Developing services for Individuals with Disabilities [DECIDE] Project number: 598661-EPP-1-2018-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Products and services with innovative potential

  • David, L., Truța, C., Cazan, A.M, & Henter, R. (2019). Step by step in career guidance: Guide for trainers (Bilingual edition). Brașov: Transilvania University of Brașov Publishing House
  • Working Memory Battery (Prof. A. I. Clinciu)
  • Sheet for determining mental maturity at preschool age (Prof. A. I. Clinciu)
  • Preschool assessment battery. Technical manual (assessment of aptitude for schooling - Prof. A. I. Clinciu)
  • Vocational Skills Battery (Prof. AI. Clinciu)
  • Academic Inadequacy Questionnaire for middle, high school and university school cycles (Prof. A.I. Clinciu, Assoc. Prof. Cazan Ana-Maria)
  • A new version of the Cube Test for determining nonverbal intelligence (Prof. A. I. Clinciu).

Education Sciences
  • Adult training programmes designed as a result of identification of specific training needs
  • Training programmes for teachers in pre-university education
  • Training programmes for different categories of teaching staff
  • Practical training guides for teachers
  • Research on topics of interest for the educational system at county and regional level
  • Consultancy and methodological assistance for the implementation of the national curriculum and curriculum design at the school level
  • Curriculum for developing self-esteem in preadolescents (Lupu D.): Developing self-confidence (practical guide). 2019. Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press. ISBN: 978-606-37-0585-4;

Special psycho-pedagogy
  • Exploratory training programme for itinerant instructors
  • Volume - IMPOTENCE-MOVEMENT-FORCE (psychopedagogy of the disabled). 2016. Cluj-Napoca: University of Cluj. ISBN: 978-606-37-0049-1;
  • Practical training guides for itinerant teachers

Research fields

Education Sciences
Special psycho-pedagogy