Research fields

Sustainable forestry and wildlife management

This field of research includes the study of forest ecosystems in relation to the sustainable management of forest and wildlife resources.

The main topics in this field of research are the following ones: forest genetics; soil science; the study of forest seeds; silvicultural systems; ecological restoration; silvobiology and silvotechnics; botanical, dendrological, phytocenological, physiological, and genetic assessment; general and applied ecology studies; the research, monitoring, and combating of forest pests and diseases; the study and monitoring of wildlife populations; game and salmonid intensive management, etc.  


• The Forest Genetics Lab
• Forest Soils Lab
• The Plant Physiology Lab
• The Forest Seeds Lab
• The Forest Protection Lab
• The Wildlife Lab


Products and services with innovative potential

Forestland connectivity maps in Romania

 (Developed within the framework of the project “COREHABS – Ecological corridors for habitats and species in Romania”, contract 6326/2015, Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Eng. Ioan Vasile Abrudan)

According to CORINE Land Cover 2012, in terms of land area and minimum width, the existing national forests were classified into 3 categories – Interconnection Nodes (IN), Nucleus Areas (NA), and Habitat Continuum (HC).

The categories were classified to guarantee living and reproduction conditions for tree populations in the short-term (50-499 individuals), medium-term (500-49,999 individuals), and respectively long-term (over 50,000 individuals). Subsequently, distances of 1,000 m, 1,500 m, 2,000 m, 4,000 m (Euclidian distance) were gradually used to assess forest connectivity at national level for the first time.



• Improving seed production technology of Norway spruce seed orchards


• The establishment of a Norway spruce seed orchard within Bihor Forestry Department consisting of 30 clones originating from the ecological regions E2, E3, and C1

contract no. 4886/ 24.04.2018

• Mobilizing and Monitoring Climate Positive Efforts in Forests and Forestry

• Development of a European Study Programme: International Master’s Degree for the Environmental Security Sector (ENSEC)


Echipa centrului de cercetare colaborează cu Academia de Stiințe Agricole și Silvice Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti, Institutul Național de Cercetare- Dezvoltare în Silvicultură "Marin Drăcea", Regia Națională a Pădurilor - Romsilva, Asociația Administratorilor de Păduri, companii forestiere și firme de proiectare în silvicultură.
Pe plan internațional, Centrul de cercetare colaborează cu Section of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding din cadrul Universității Georg-August Goettingen, Germania, în cadrul proiectului ”Genomische Signaturen Oekologischer Artbildung und paraller Evolution bei Eichen” (2019-2022).
