
Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion Vișa – Member of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences, PhD supervisor
Prof. Dr. Eng. Anca Duță Capră – Coordinator of the RESREC Centre
Prof. Dr. Luminița Andronic, PhD supervisor
Prof. Dr. Lucia Dumitrescu, PhD supervisor
Prof. Dr. Eng. Codruța Jaliu, PhD supervisor
Prof. Dr. Maria Vișa, PhD supervisor
Prof. Dr. Eng. Mircea Neagoe
Prof. Dr. Dana Perniu
Prof. Dr. Luminița Isac
Prof. Dr. Eng. Anca Bârsan
Prof. Dr. Eng. Lucian Bârsan
Prof. Dr. Camelia Drăghici
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Macedon Moldovan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Bogdan Burduhos
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai Comșiț