Research fields
The activity of the research centre falls within the main promoted domains within the National Strategy for Research, Development and Innovation 2014-2020 concerning the Smart specialisation (Environment, Information technology and communications) and national Priorities (Health) that is, in the main research domains launched within the European Programme for Research- Development- Innovation for 2014-2020, Horizon 2020, that aims at the leadership position within the industrial sector through the leadership position within the domain of generic and industrial technologies (Advanced manufacturing systems, Information and communications Technologies, Advanced Materials), and Societal Challenges (Health, sustainable Agriculture).
I. Measurements of constructive and functional parameters and quality evaluation of high precision products
II. Data acquisition for investigation, monitoring and control of processes
III. Monitoring the human comfort state in developing productive activities; analysis of physiological performances in motion activities; assessment of medical/ sportive/biomechanical recovery/ rehabilitation degree
IV. Screening activities and services for human behaviour assessment and human performance level, ergonomics, work security, etc.
V. Mechatronic system for PCB prototyping. LPKF Rapid Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Prototyping system consisting of:
National grants / projects
• Improving the technology of the multispectral mechatronic system in order to increase the performance of capturing vegetative parameters in the context of climate change - MultiCanSPEC
• Design, implementation and experimentation of a mechatronic system for multispectral monitoring of the vegetation status of agricultural crops - MoniCult

- Prof. Dr. Eng. Marius Cristian LUCULESCU –Centre Coordinator and IT Responsible - lucmar@unitbv.ro
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Luciana CRISTEA - Advanced mechatronic systems with applications to industry, agriculture and information and communication technologies team Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihaela BARITZ - Advanced mechatronic systems with applications to medicine, ergonomics and job security team Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Ileana ROȘCA - PhD students and Post Doc Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Eng., Dr. in Marketing Angela REPANOVICI – Research Centre image promoting Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Physicist Sorin ZAMFIRA – Economic environment Coordinator
- Prof. Dr. Eng. Daniela Mariana BARBU
- Associate Prof. Dr. Eng. Ion BARBU
- Lecturer Dr. Eng. Barbu Cristian BRAUN
- Lecturer Dr. Eng. Corneliu Nicolae DRUGĂ
- Lecturer Dr. Eng. Anca STANCIU
- Lecturer Dr. Eng. Ionel ȘERBAN - Exploiting and infrastructure maintenance Coordinator
Lecturer Dr. Eng. Leonard Gabriel MITU