Research fields

Mathematical Modelling

1. Geometry

2. Mathematical Analysis, approximation and optimization

3. Dynamic systems, mechanics and analytical functions

4. Probabilities and mathematical statistics

Algorithms and Software


Our centre has an office in Laboratory L6 at the R&D Institute of Transilvania University of Brașov. Seminars, laboratory and practical activities can take place here. There is a room equipped with computers, multimedia and software needed for such activities.

The members of this research centre have on-line access to Anelis database and high-tech software at the Institute.


Research Results

The research activity of the centre materializes in scientific articles and monographs published by renowned scientific journals and publishing houses. The members of the centre also participate in conferences, work on research grants and have contracts with external partners.


Stochastic Analysis and Parameter Estimation in Systems with Memory

Grant PNII-ID-PCCE-2011-2-0015 / No. 3702/7.05.2012 – National Grant - partnership

Time period: 2012-2015

Cosmology and Astrophysics Network for Theoretical Advances and Training Actions (CANTATA)

Project COST CA15117 - International project

Time period: 04.08.2016-04.07.2020. (Romania became a member in 2017)
