Research fields

In the desire to create a fundamental research centre with direct correlations with clinical and prophylactic disciplines, which will be involved in prevention strategies in medicine, the following priority directions will be considered:DSC 2993

• Implementation of preventive medicine at national level, subordinated to the European operational area - by developing and applying modern methods of diagnosis / monitoring of the health of the population

• Diminishing the existing gap, both in the field of fundamental research and prevention strategies in the field of medicine between universities and research and development institutes in Romania and in the European Union - by establishing partnerships with major universities and research centres and institutes and organizing international conferences and international summer schools.

The main areas of activity

• Development and application of new methods for the detection of biomolecules with beneficial or toxic activity from different matrices (using sensors / biosensors, chromatographic methods, spectral methods and immunochemical techniques), by involving international and national scientific personalities with proven achievements in different fields

• Development of modern methods of cell evaluation and biomolecular characterization - by analysing biomolecular interactions

• Cell evaluation and characterization of biomolecules in the morphology laboratory where the tests will allow an accurate diagnosis of a particular pathological process are extremely useful especially in research and study of cell proliferation, development and prognosis of tumors.

• The Cario-pattern system for automatic cytogenesis and FISH evaluation are complex systems that allow a sensitive and precise diagnosis, with opportunities for scientific innovators. The complex detection system observes the smallest structural and ultrastructural changes, which allow the analysis and initiation of research into pathological processes, especially in the study of neoplasms.

• Establishing correlations between the morphological picture and the presence of genetic and molecular pathognomonic markers of clonal myeloproliferations (true polycythemia, essential thromboctemia, myelofibrosis and chronic granulocytic leukemia)

• Training of qualified human resources for research activities - by attracting young PhD students and master students in Romanian research conducted in the Research and Development Institute of UNITBV (ICDT), by developing the skills and abilities of doctoral students to start a career in science MEDICINE.