Research fields
The centre has focused its research on the following fields:
- Autonomous vehicles
- Extended Reality (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality)
- Robotics
- Digital heritage
• Virtual reality system with total immersion
• Mobile robots
• Fixed robots
• Vehicle simulation
Products and services with innovative potential
Following the research carried out by the members of the centre the following products have been obtained:
• Driver-In-the-Loop SIMulation for safety-critical testing scenarios of Electric Vehicles
• Multimodal interaction for space applications based on human biopotentials
• eHERITAGE - Expanding C & I capacity in the field of cultural heritage preservation applications by the help of virtual reality technologies
• NAVIEYES - Inteligent car navigation assistant for mobile devices based on eye gaze tracking and head pose
• A system for the diagnosis and therapy of spinal disorders
• ROBOCORE - Robotic assisted prostate biopsy, an innovative, high-precision method
Coordinator of the Research Center:
Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin GIRBACIA
Permament Members:
Prof. Dr. Eng. Gheorghe MOGAN
Prof. Dr. Eng. Csaba ANTONYA
Prof. Dr. Eng. Silviu BUTNARIU
Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihai DUGULEANA
Lecturer Dr. Dr. Eng. Cristian POSTELNICU
Lecturer. Dr. Eng. Razvan BOBOC
Dr. Eng. Eugen BUTILĂ
Dr. Eng. Daniel VOINEA
PhD Students:
PhD student Ioana-Diana BUZDUGAN
PhD student Silvia ZISU
PhD student Ioana-Alexandra ROSU
PhD student Andrei-Cristian PRIDIE
PhD student Sandor BERDE
PhD student Manuel Soto Ramos