International Conference on Contemporary Music

20-23 October 2022

“From the Hyperbolic Shell to a Universe in Progress. Various Connective Registers between Extra-Musical Conceptual Elements: MUSIC, MATHEMATICS and ARCHITECTURE"

The first edition of the International Conference on Contemporary Musicorganized by the Faculty of Music within Transilvania University, in partnership with the Philharmonic of Brașovwill take place at “Segiu T. Chiriacescu” Conference Centre. Dedicated this year to one of the 20th century’s greatest composers and architects, the Romanian-born (1922) Iannis Xenakisthe event will welcome well-known musicians, composers, researchers and architects.

IRCAM Paris, Sorbonne, Paris 8, Berlin, Cologne, Vienna, Toulouse, Evora, Leeds, Athens, Salzburg, Torun, Edinburg are the centres that will create bridges of intellectual emulation with Transilvania University.

During the three festive days, apart from the valuable scientific papers that provide advanced interdisciplinary knowledge, many international artists, experts in Xenakis’ music, will delight the audience with concerts and recitals.

The full conference programme is available HERE.