Work Values at the Confluence of five Generations in the Workplace

11-14 September 2022
As a follow-up of the tradition of ISSWOV conferences, the 2022 conference, held at Transilvania University of Brașov, will welcome all research initiatives related to our central theme of organizational values at the confluence of five generations in the workplace, but also to any other current topic directly or indirectly related to work and organizational values, such as (but not limited to): ethics, organizational culture, workplace attitudes, human resource management, leadership, diversity, the future of work, etc., as well as methodological papers that provide new tools or approaches to improve research projects, data collection and analysis.
In September, several Professors from all over the world (from the USA, Canada and Mexico, as well as Europe, Israel, India and Turkey) will come to Brașov and present their latest research in the field of organizational studies in general, and organizational values in particular.
Organizers: ISSWOV (International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values) and Transilvania University of Brașov